During the busy summer months, washroom facilities in caravan parks and holiday parks face intense strain, with hundreds of holidaymakers using them every single day. So now the facility is closed for winter and there are no customers on-site, it is the ideal time for you to have your taps, showers, and other water delivery systems serviced and maintained. At Rada Controls, we specialise in providing owners of caravan parks, holiday parks, and camp sites from across the whole of the UK with preventative maintenance, servicing and repairs of taps, showers, and other washroom products.

A reduced risk of breakdowns
Regardless of the quality of the washroom product, breakdowns can happen at any time or damage can be suffered. This is especially the case in busy environments such as camp sites or holiday parks.
We offer comprehensive preventative maintenance packages, including labour charges and free call outs, to reduce the possibility of issues and breakdowns developing at the worst possible time.
Packages can be tailored around individual site conditions to ensure the ongoing function, performance, reliability, and safe operation of the showers, taps, and other water delivery systems. Regular maintenance and servicing of taps and showers will not only reduce the risk of breakdowns but also cut down any resultant repair costs.

Keep disruption to a minimum
To ensure that work is completed in low season to keep disruption to an absolute minimum, servicing and maintenance packages can be arranged around your schedule and needs. In addition, replacement parts are easily accessible and repairs can be undertaken quickly.

Make your holiday or caravan park the number one choice
In addition to the accommodation, people will often leave a holiday park with memories and opinions on the condition of the washroom – particularly, how well the showers work. Put simply, if they don’t enjoy their showering experience due to weak water pressure or a faulty system, they’ll remember it when considering which park to stay in next summer.
Having preventative maintenance undertaken during the winter shutdown will ensure any taps and showers are working to their absolute best when you need them to. Consequently, your guests will have an enjoyable and relaxing washroom experience and be more likely to stay at your premises again in the future.
Contact us for a free quote and site survey and find out how we can help you deliver better washrooms for your guests. Call us now on 0344 571 1777 or email radacustomerservices@radacontrols.com.

Caravan Park Winter Shutdown
Our Projects
We’re already helping facilities to achieve five-star reviews with leading washroom facilities.
Top products

Ready to install slimline shower panel manufactured from a stain resistant acrylic resin stone with a silver finish, single pipe entry for connection to a pre-blended supply, offering programmable shower times, automatic duty flushing and duty flush run times.

Ready to install slimline shower panel manufactured from a stain resistant acrylic resin stone with a white finish, single pipe entry for connection to a pre-blended supply, offering programmable shower times, automatic duty flushing and duty flush run times.